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Zimot Industries

The Shriner’s Poor Influence: Spiritual Corruption

The Shriner’s Poor Influence: Spiritual Corruption

Regular price $40.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $40.00 USD
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A Shriner is chained to a couple of young Catholics as they hold bibles and look towards their future were they hope to push their already ingrained and twisted ‘morals’ on those around them and use their church’s dark money to elect politicians and destroy the hopes and dreams of the free willed. 

From some crappy Catholic webpage: “The Church has repeatedly pronounced that Catholics may not become Shriners or otherwise members of Masonic societies, under pain of excommunication. Freemasonry is at odds with Catholicism in key ways, and one of Masonry’s prime adjectives, particularly as it has existed in certain European countries, has been to destroy the Catholic Church.”

4 1/4, 4 1/4 and 4”

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